If you are gaining unplanned weight while following the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan, you aren’t alone.
In many places, we are operating in a kind of in-between state; still quarantined in some, while in others some freedoms are being (slowly) returned. All this means for us as Trim Healthy Mamas is that some of us have fallen off of the wagon, while others have jumped on headfirst.
Regardless, if you are gaining weight you didn’t plan for, it’s time to take a serious look at the culprit.
Is the plan guilty of making you gain unplanned weight? Or is it something else? Hopefully today we can decide who or what the culprit is, and take the bull by the horns!
Questions to Ask Yourself if You’re Gaining Unplanned Weight on THM:
- How frequently are you eating?
- How much or how frequently are you consuming dairy?
- Are “cheat” meals creeping in?
- Are you eating until satisfied, or eating until stuffed?
- Do you find yourself constantly hungry?
- How frequently are you eating heavy meals?
- How frequently are you consuming heavy desserts?
- Are you alternating your fuel types?
- Are you tracking your meals?
Keep in mind that just because you answered one or two questions with a “bad” answer, doesn’t mean that’s the reason you are gaining weight. Every situation is different. Those were just some questions to get your gears turning and allow you to reflect on what the potential cause of weight gain could be.
Reflection Questions Explained:
If you are eating too frequently (unless pregnant or nursing), consider the possibility that you are constantly fueling your body – not giving your body time to burn the fuel you already gave it, which can lead to weight gain.
Dairy is another possible culprit to consider. Although not every person has an issue with dairy, it is still a good idea to try a week or so dairy-free, and see if that helps you drop some of the weight. Even if dairy isn’t an issue in and of itself, the frequency with which you consume dairy could be another reason for the weight gain. Dairy is generally heavy on fats, and also heavier on calories – a food to enjoy but not abuse.
If “cheat” meals or a cheat mindset are creeping in, definitely think about tracking your meals with a meal tracker. This could be on paper (see Trim Healthy Mama fuel type tracking if you need inspiration), or on an app, or even with an accountability buddy – but regardless of how you track your meals using a meal tracker can help bring awareness of what you are actually eating. One bite quickly accumulates, and sometimes people have trouble stopping after one bite.
If you are eating until satisfied, then amount (in general) probably isn’t the reason you are gaining weight. However, if you are eating until you are so stuffed you couldn’t possibly eat another bite, or feel uncomfortably full, then consider cutting back on portion sizes. Using a smaller plate and only filling your plate once is a great place to start. You could also try filling your plate with vegetables first, and then any other sides or main dishes present – to leave less room on your plate for the other choices.
Ignoring your hunger signals is asking for trouble. If you are constantly hungry, you may be under-eating, or may need to seek help from a medical professional to see if there is an underlying issue. The THM plan does not ask us to starve or restrict calories, just to be reasonable and use common sense.
Are heavy, dense meals constantly on the menu? This can go along with the note on dairy, but if you wish to keep dairy on the menu then make sure you aren’t overdoing it. Reasonable use and not calorie abuse is the name of the game here!
If there’s something sweet after every meal, or dessert after every dinner, consider (again) tracking your food and/or calorie intake. Although we don’t count calories on the Trim Healthy Mama plan, briefly keeping an eye on how many calories you are tacking on at the end of an already full meal could help you decide where the problem lies.
Alternating your fuel types sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and eat the same fuel (or even crossovers) over and over again – forgetting that we need to switch fuel types for our bodies to kick into fat burning mode.
If you aren’t already, tracking your meals is highly advisable. Aside from the previously mentioned reasons, tracking fuels can not only help you know when you last ate (especially if using an app), but give you a good idea of whether or not you are alternating your fuels too, with the ability to quickly look back and see previous meals or fuel types (depending on the type of tracker you choose). On top of that, it provides accountability – we give ourselves grace on the THM plan, but if we need it a little too often then tracking every bite can help bring that to our attention.
Not Just You:
Life circumstances hit everyone differently – and typically everyone falls off of the wagon at one point or another. The key is that we get back on!! Even if you aren’t completely off the wagon – maybe you’re holding on with your little finger – you can pull yourself back on and keep on riding.
While this post was compiled to address the concerns of those who are following the Trim Healthy Mama plan and gaining unplanned weight as kind of a troubleshooting guide, it can also be used for those who are new to the plan or have fallen off the wagon and are trying to jump back on as a way to watch out for potential pitfalls.
I am not, nor have I ever been, a medical professional of any kind. Everyone’s circumstances are different – please consult with your doctor for any medical questions or concerns.
Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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