Now that we are in the thick of focused potty training, it’s evident that we have made many potty training mistakes along the way…. so here they are (even the embarrassing ones) so you don’t have to learn the hard way (like we did).

Some of these mistakes may seem obvious, but others might be new… regardless, hopefully it helps you avoid the snare of potty training mistakes that are easily made.
Potty Training Mistakes We Made
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Our biggest mistake so far seems the least obvious (to me, at least)…
- We tried to take potty training slowly to make it less stressful
This mistake keeps you in training mode forever, with very little (if any) progress ever being made. My oldest didn’t even go #2 on the potty (intentionally) until after a week of focused potty training – our new method!
- We didn’t seek help from someone who knows what they are talking about from the beginning
- We weren’t consistent
How We Fixed the Problem
Besides the obvious move to fix the above potty training mistakes – do the opposite – we took away OUR out to potty training. If there weren’t any diapers to fall back on, WE had to be serious, be focused, and fix the problem. When I was Losing My Mind over Potty Training way back in the beginning, if I had done these things our oldest son would likely be potty trained completely at this point.
Did you make these potty training mistakes? Let me know in the comments below… and add which pitfalls you think we should try to avoid! I’d love the advice.

Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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