Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
What takes approximately nine months, and is something you DEFINITELY want to prepare for? A new baby, of course.
The alternate working title was “what I’d do differently next pregnancy”, but since next pregnancy is here (and nearly over), it made more sense to go with the original title… I just wanted to give more clarity about the topic.
Due to this being my second pregnancy (and being at the end of it when this article is actually written) let’s start with what I THOUGHT I should do to prepare (and how it actually went).
After my first pregnancy, I had a laundry list of things I should have/would do differently during my next pregnancy… but there was one MAJOR factor I forgot to account for (and truly would not have known how to account for, since it was my first baby).
The baby himself.
Does that sound weird? During my first pregnancy, I wasn’t chasing a little one around the house yet… so when I was mentally planning for my second pregnancy and it’s laundry list of chores and must do’s, I forgot to account for the fact that I would have a young child to take care of and that any subsequent pregnancies would look very different.
My original list of “what I’d do differently” truly has transformed so much since it was thought of, that I’m glad it was postponed until now.
What I thought should be done to prepare for a second baby is, of course, VERY different at this point… but remember, being a mother was new to me, and I was clueless.
I thought:
Now, I understand while all of the above are great goals, it’s not the end of the world if none of them ever happen. If I don’t finish reading those pregnancy books, I still have search engines and friends/family and pediatricians and even my birthing center to go to for help/advice. When the freezer meals don’t get made and no one brings food after the new baby is born, in a pinch, there are still decent take out options (even on plan ones)!
Cleaning and decluttering? Don’t get me started. It’s great, yes, but while you are chasing a young child and pregnant with another really isn’t the best time. Light exercise.. have you chased an almost-toddler? Especially one that has something he/she isn’t supposed to have??
I think you get my point…
Psst!! If you DO happen to have time to read, or are somehow making time, I list a few great pregnancy books over in the media category… but among my favorites is Preggers by Chelsea Johnson. I’m still hoping to read some more pregnancy books… but until then, Preggers is a great starting place.
Life is chaotic, and overall wonderful but definitely a struggle, these days. There were four and a half nap-free days in a row for little man (I counted them), and we are reaching the end of a week that *gasp* actually contained at least a nap per day.
I’m a few days behind on our new Bible study book, but have actually been able to do about a page per day recently, which is unheard of.
Nine months sounds like a long time, and maybe it is… but when you already have a little one in your arms, the second go round (and every one after that, I’m sure) goes by so much faster.
It’s great if you stick to a plan and actually accomplish your *pregnancy* goals… but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t. If you are one of those magical unicorns who had some semblance of order during your second (or consecutive) pregnancy, though, PLEASE comment below. I would love to know your secrets (and please add any tips/advice).
Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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