Are you losing your mind over potty training? Pretty sure at this point that we’ve already lost ours… but we are changing directions and hopefully about to get back on track.

When my nearly year and a half old son (he’s seventeen months yesterday) showed interest in potty training, we were ON BOARD. I mean, come on. One graduating out of diapers? Early?! Yes, please!
My husband and I had no idea what we were in for.
Although my son would sign “potty” to us, and run and sit on the potty (with assistance), we quickly discovered (when he would ask fifteen times in a row to go potty but do absolutely nothing) that he was more interested in the adventure than the actual going (if you know what I mean).
His “Ready to Train” Signals
- In addition to frequently staying dry, he tells us when he needs a new diaper (often it is barely damp before he’s requesting a change)
- He can communicate in sign language when he needs the potty
- He can undress/remove obstacles (diaper)
- Lots of interest in going to sit on the potty
Despite the signals and signs of readiness, however, he has not yet actually gone on the potty… so we are doing a pivot.
Losing Your Mind Over Potty Training
If insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results (as the saying goes), then that would certainly apply to attempting to potty train a child who has decided that it’s an adventure to trek through the bedroom to the adjoining bathroom that he is able to use.
Although clearly uncomfortable and aware of a soiled or wet diaper, he gets distracted by the journey and forgets the purpose of the entire event.. enter: our pivot.
Since the problem seems to be about WHERE he is able to use a bathroom (we have a potty seat on an adult toilet for him) we are changing the place (to remove the adventure and hopefully help him learn without us fully losing our minds over potty training).
The Unexpected Pivot
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We gave in and purchased a small potty for him to use.
Although no one is thrilled about cleaning it, we are hopeful that this pivot will help him focus on what he should be doing (instead of getting distracted). As a bonus, after he is trained, we can use the small potty in the car for the kids on road trips (with bag and paper towel liners).
The “small potty” should be arriving tomorrow, and it was one of the most affordable options that actually looked like a regular potty. This one has a flushing sounds feature, but we are not planning on adding any batteries… that way it won’t become a toy, but he can “practice” flushing after he goes. See the potty we purchased by clicking HERE.
Due to where we plan on putting the small potty (near the changing table for our newborn), it will also allow time to make the bedroom adjoining the bathroom less of an.. adventure.. so that he can be more focused when he’s ready to “graduate”.
This isn’t the first time I have had a motherhood “pivot” and I’m sure it won’t be the last… read Why I Changed My Mind About Pacifiers for another instance of a pivot and what that looked like.
Did your potty training take an unexpected turn, too? What did your pivot look like? Let me know in the comments below!

Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
[…] any diapers to fall back on, WE had to be serious, be focused, and fix the problem. When I was Losing My Mind over Potty Training way back in the beginning, if I had done these things our oldest son would likely be potty trained […]