Be it books, movies, or even games… if it doesn’t have a genre home in the media tab you can probably find it here. These articles are USUALLY (but not always) book related, formerly found in the “book related” section of the original “media” or “books” tab.
TV Show Review
When faith and conviction meet
On deciding whether or not to count children's books towards personal reading goals.
Failing to reach a reading goal with ideas to fix the issue.
On resetting a reading goal to something more realistic (and why).
A plan to reestablish a reading habit after starting a family.
The books I liked (and the ones I didn't) out of thirty-five read.
Ideas for a book lover's celebration and some of my favorite book choices for said celebration.
A diagnosis of why I re-read the same books (sometimes dozens of times) and musings on whether you should too.
With 13 "currently reading" books at the moment, I break down the reason why, and explain whether or not it's a good fit for other readers.
14,327 pages and fifty books later, these were my favorite (and eh hem, not so much) books of the year.
Breaking down why I have a husband specific "assigned" reading list (and how those books are chosen).
These books had less than 1,000 reviews on Goodreads at the time.
Hidden gems in genres from mystery to memoir, with less than 1,000 Goodreads reviews at the time of writing this article.
Spring cleaning book dragon style; a few easy steps to cull an overwhelmed book collection (and shelf).
My first "best and worst" curation, these reads were the best of the best (and the worst of the worst) from the nearly fifty books I read in 2018.