Everything starts with an idea. In this particular case, that idea (or preconceived notion) was that screen time was bad, and would take away from my children’s growth and development… among other things. However, I changed my mind about screen time, and it might not be for the reasons you’d think.

I am the mother to two boys (aged one and two at the time of this writing), and for most of my oldest boy’s life, I did not allow any television or other screen time except for the rare special occasion.
I Changed My Mind About Screen Time… but WHY?
There wasn’t truly a defining moment… just the realization that in our society, knowing how to operate a device, or having some (even limited) knowledge of movies and shows is important. We live in a society where you grew up “under a rock” if you aren’t at least somewhat familiar with what people as a whole think is of value…
While I am still putting limits on screen time, and still moderating the shows and movies that my kids have access to, I changed my mind about screen time overall.
What Does Screen Time Look Like Now?
Although certainly a work in progress, I essentially choose an educational show or movie, screen the content (through watching it or a website that offers parental guidance), and allow my children to watch. Right now, there aren’t necessarily restrictions on the amount of watching – some days the television doesn’t even get turned on and other days it plays in the background while they play with other toys and each other.
When they show more interest (glued to the screen for alarming amounts of time) I plan on insuring the tv is turned off at after thirty minutes or an hour, but at the moment my oldest is the only one who asks for screen time, and often will only sit and watch the show when we sit and watch with him.
The Future of Screen Time in Our Home
After realizing how valuable screen time can be after I changed my mind about screen time for our children, we are even contemplating purchasing children’s tablets for each of our boys – the kind where an app on my phone can monitor and control what they watch and for how long.
Of course, that is probably a year or so away… but it is so much easier to work with my children nearby when they aren’t constantly trying to grab my laptop. Furthermore, the knowledge of how to use a cell phone in this era is vitally important… phone booths are non-existent these days and house phones are probably headed out, too. It’s unlikely I’ll ever forget the field trip I went on as a child, where I was handed a cell phone to call my parents and had to ask how to even make a call.
Of course, you can certainly still be productive with your child or children nearby and NOT use screen time; however, I feel it could produce the feeling of “forbidden fruit” where they go out of their way (even to unhealthy means) to get what they desire. As television and other screens are not sinful in and of themselves, it seems unnecessary to cause such an issue that could easily be avoided.
I changed my mind about screen time…. but did I change yours? Let me know in the comments below. And while you’re here: visit Being Productive with Young Children Around to see twelve ideas for keeping kids busy so you can get more done… plus fuel for thought.

Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
[…] can read more about what changed over on the post Why I Changed My Mind About Screen Time, but that is how I started realizing the benefits of allowing my two toddlers to watch tv (within […]