Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
Parenting is one of the world’s most demanding jobs, especially since you can’t call in sick – there are no “sick days” available. Whether you are overwhelmed, sick, or simply D-O-N-E, you have to keep on going… and going… and going.
It’s hard to think when the baby is wailing and nothing you do seems to calm him. It’s even worse knowing that your baby is (usually) a very happy baby, and there must be something you are missing.
My son turned four months old recently, and while that might not make me the most qualified in the parenting department, I LIVE in the D-O-N-E and overwhelmed departments.
With that being said, I have a few things that usually help when I get so overwhelmed one more tear feels like the end of the world…
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If you were using the list above, chances are good that the lack of ability to call in sick had you at or near your breaking point. And I get it! Trust me, I’ve used this list myself and my son is barely four months old!
Now it’s time to consider how to avoid reaching that point as much as possible.
Need a little extra help? See Restoring Sanity From Overwhelm (Life After a Newborn).
Parenting is hard work, and often under appreciated, but you’ve got this! Remember this is only for a season. What are your favorite methods of stress relief as a parent? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear some more ideas!
Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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[…] sick… but you don’t get to request time off. Here are a few of my tips and tricks for Parenting When You Can’t Call in Sick… because it sure is tempting to try when baby won’t nap for days on […]