Although a second time mom, breastfeeding and Trim Healthy Mama is all new for me… because I was unable to breastfeed my first, despite having been on plan with THM at the time.

Even now, due to a medication I have low milk supply, so we are unable to entirely use breastmilk and need to supplement with formula.
Breastfeeding and Trim Healthy Mama
After combining breastfeeding and Trim Healthy Mama for two months now, I know they are compatible… but I also know that if you separate fuels too much (standard weight loss journey with THM) many women report a drop in milk supply.
It’s a time to focus on feeding your newborn, not losing weight (although the struggle is real).
Looking for a great crossover recipe to munch while breastfeeding with a Trim Healthy Mama mindset? These banana nut bread cookies are best warm but easy to make and have no special ingredients.
Through many experiments with meals and healthy versus unhealthy foods, I have learned a couple of things along this breastfeeding journey… and quite possibly am hyper aware of the changes in my breastmilk supply entirely due to the lack of (enough of) it.
Before I tell you what I have learned, though… a “low” supply is vaguely defined as any inability to feed your baby your breastmilk without supplementing. My supply (without help) tends to range from 1/2 oz total to 1 oz total per pumping session (exclusively pumping). Not nearly enough.
What I’ve Learned Along the Way
Although in no particular order, what I’ve learned has help me increase my “natural” supply (without any supplements or help) from 1/2 oz (roughly) each pumping session to roughly 3 oz (roughly) (including supplements/help) each pumping session. It’s still a work in progress.
Please keep in mind that everyone is different and what works for one might not work for another. Also, I pump exclusively, and respond well to a pump. Some mamas do NOT respond to a pump at all, but can breastfeed just fine without supplementing.
- Your pump matters (so please don’t assume you “just don’t respond to a pump” without trying a different pump first!)
- Hydration is super important (the best recommendation I’ve seen is 8 oz of water every time you pump/feed along with regular water intake)
- There’s no shame in taking supplements (I take brewer’s yeast in pill form and Lady Leche drops from Milky Mama (no affiliation, just benefit from using the product) but there are many others)
- Crossovers!!! (Weight loss isn’t nearly as important as feeding your baby, and crossovers can help your supply)
- Calories matter (Often a great pumping session is after a protein packed, healthy carb meal – I typically pump less after a low carb meal, but especially after a low carb AND low fat meal… so if not crossovers, focus on those carb meals! Don’t focus so much on the calories so much as eating until satisfied, but make sure you are eating enough calories to support breastfeeding.)
- Junk food calories can hurt your supply (it’s easy to think that junk food = more calories, which would then equal more milk, but I have found that empty calories – aka junk food – actually hurt my supply over time. More on that later.)
- Empty your breasts frequently (supply and demand, but don’t overdo it or you might hate yourself and give up entirely)
- Don’t be ashamed of having multiple pumps for different uses (I have a battery powered pump with tubes that I can carry around, but also own a wearable pump that is hands free and allows me to care for my children during their waking hours. If your pumping/breastfeeding journey doesn’t work for your lifestyle, then you probably won’t last very long.)
As a quick note on junk food calories, I wanted to mention that I DO use OFF PLAN lactation products 1-3x per day depending on my supply. Usually once per day is fine, but since I was recently sick and saw a major drop in supply, I increased my lactation products to 3x per day, temporarily until my supply returns. I’m hoping to find an on plan lactation product that works as well as the ones I use, but for now I just try to make all of my other food intake healthy.
What have you found that helps with your supply while breastfeeding with the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle? Do you need or use supplements to help with supply increase? Let me know in the comments below.

Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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