When there’s a baby involved, everything changes… but that doesn’t mean baby road trips can’t happen! Our first two road trips with a baby were last year, and we are about to have another road trip (this one with a baby AND a toddler) soon… so it seemed like good timing to share some ways I plan and prep to road trip with a baby.
Based on experience, you want to be prepared for any likely incident that might come your way… like running out of wipes when there’s a blowout in the car seat and you are still hours from your destination. #lastyear
My poor mother-in-law had unfortunately taken the back seat for that leg of the trip… and had the *privilege* of holding said baby’s hands to keep them out of the mess… which grew and grew. You can probably imagine. When we finally found a spot at the very busy gas station to buy more wipes (we also needed gas) and change the baby, it was everywhere. I’ll spare you. But also, NO, one package of wipes is NOT enough, even for a short (this one was about seven to ten hours) trip!
Baby Road Trip Planning
ALL of the questions..
- Did I bring enough outfits for a few each day (babies are messy!) or is there a way for me to wash clothes there?
- Is my baby starting solids yet? (When packing and thinking about food baby can/will consume while away)
- Where will my baby sleep when we arrive? (Pack n’ Play? Bassinet?)
- Does my baby sleep through the night yet? (It may be easier to travel at night if so)
- Is it safe for my baby to travel in their car seat for long distances with their age and abilities? (Consider if additional stops/breaks are needed)
- Do I have a way to warm a bottle if not breastfeeding?
- Am I comfortable breastfeeding (with the car parked) or pumping in the car?
- If using formula, do I have a way to keep pre-mixed formula cold?
What We Used on Prior Trips (Or Wished We Had)
Last year saw a shorter road trip (about seven to ten hours) and a slightly longer road trip (I think it took about eighteen to twenty hours) with a baby in tow for both… and there are definitely things I LOVED and things I now wish I had known about (but will definitely be including this year).
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If I were still breastfeeding/pumping for either of these road trips, my Momcozy wearable breast pump is a MUST… but you can read the comparison between Momcozy VS Willow Wearable Pumps for yourself to help decide which one suits you.
If I had known about these Infanzia waterproof car seat covers for blowouts last year, it would not have been such an ordeal! We already purchased two for our road trip this year.
We already had a mini refrigerator with a car charger prior to last year’s trips, but it was wonderful to keep pre-mixed formula cold between uses.
Last year, we also purchased a travel bottle warmer to heat formula (battery free!) before giving it to our son… it was super easy to use and hot water can often be obtained at drive thru restaurants and even some gas stations for very cheap or free. I don’t think it will work with our current glass jar bottles, but we still have the old Evenflo bottles which worked great with this warmer, or we might try to get new bottles (which we had already planned for traveling/outings).
Our son loved (and still loves as a toddler) this kick and play activity center (we never added any batteries) so we plan to use that for our baby on this trip.
We brought our Moby wrap and plan on bringing it again this year…. hopefully with a little more practice it will be easier since it is definitely my favorite of the four baby wrap/carriers we own. (Read Why I Haven’t Given Up on Baby Wearing to help you decide whether a baby wearing wrap of some kind might be something you’d like to consider for your trip.)
If you have crossed your “t”s and dotted your “i”s, then you are probably all set for a great road trip. Remember that things happen, and it’s less stressful for you (and everyone else) if you can laugh it off and keep on going… so even if you have a blowout (and no more wipes) there IS a solution, you just might not have found it yet. Don’t stress too much, mama, enjoy your (well deserved) vacation, and don’t let a major life change stop baby road trips … because they might be your best trips ever.
Have you ever gone on a road trip with a baby? Was it memorable, and if so, why? Let me know in the comments below!
Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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