2021 UPDATE: I haven’t reread this particular book since the initial read-through, but obviously that needs to happen. Kondo has an interesting, very particular method of tidying, and after a few moves, I’ve most definitely slipped.
Although it may seem that a book on tidying would not be very interesting, I finished Kondo’s book in one sitting after a bit of a reading slump.
Not only is the KonMari method very practical, it seems to be fairly doable. I guess we will find out since my husband and I are going to tackle using the KonMari method on our home, hopefully this weekend.
Although I wish Kondo had discussed tidying when it comes to pets (things like their many toys), and possibly babies (or other instances when we must do the tidying when it isn’t necessarily our items, she did cover many areas of life and for that I am appreciative.
The back story included in little snippets here and there really brought out how much Kondo enjoys tidying and how she knows – because she has been there at one point or another – the best methods as well as the benefits.
Kondo and Why I Picked Up This Book
Initially, I picked up The Life Changing Magic of Tidying due to watching the T.V. show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Although you could grasp the basic principles from watching the show, I recommend reading the book as it provides a more thorough explanation of how and why we would want to use these methods and goes more in-depth on the various categories. The show is more of a supplement to the book than the other way around.
If you have any interest in making your home a place you enjoy spending time or even a passing interest in watching the show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, then I predict you would enjoy reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying. Even if you choose not to implement Kondo’s ideas, just by reading the book I have re-considered categories that I was “done” going through – because thinking back on what I have, I have items that don’t spark joy. Although by no means a hoarder, I was keeping them because they were gifts, or because they might “come in handy later”. Kondo’s book has been quite eye-opening to me about how much stuff I have that does nothing but sit – and could quite easily be tossed or donated to benefit someone else.
If the above sounds like you, read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying. It might make more impact than you expect.
P.S. Looking for another read that could seriously impact the way you live or even change your perspective on life? Just Open the Door by Jen Schmidt was one such book for me. All about living an invitation lifestyle of hospitality, it changed the way I viewed myself (and others) as an introvert and seriously impacted how I view my calling as a Christian.
Christian, wife, “hybrid” mama, I run the site All Behind A Smile to help others like me.
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